Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Recording featured on Framework Radio Show

I was very pleased to have a recording selected for a radio show dedicated to field recording and phonography.

The chosen recording is 'Lizard', and can be found on my 'Between Us And Out There' album.

The episode can be streamed/downloaded here: http://www.frameworkradio.net/?p=635

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Distant sounds from the coastal waters of Skye...

 Recording on the 'Coral Beach', Isle Of Skye

This summer I was lucky enough to have a weeks holiday on The Isle Of Skye. I have been a bit slow in listening through all my recordings, but here is one I was excited about.

  Isle Of Skye, Coral Beach Hydrophone Recording by miles out in the field 

It isn't a particularly clear recording, so you'll need headphones or a good speaker set up. However it's the first I've heard of what is either a dolphin or a whale call, so I thought I'd share it. Anyone who can give me a positive identification please get in touch!